Praise be to Allah, the Light of the heavens and the earth, He, the Benefactor, and may prayers and blessings be upon our beloved, Sayiduna Muhammad ﷺ, the standard-bearer of praise on Judgment Day, and may salvation be upon his family and companions.
The Tariqa Karkariya, the Way of Spiritual Education, aims at bringing the servant to the station of Ihsan so that he can then accomplish himself in worship and vision: “That you worship Allah as if you saw Him” [Sahih al-Bukhari], in the path (suluk) and divine knowledge (ma’rifa) until his whole life is only for Allah (lilah), the Lord of the Universes… and that is why following the Qur’an and Sunnah at all times is a sine qua non for the wayfarer. For we firmly believe that behind every law of Sha’ria lies a spiritual secret and a Light which allows the servant to return to his Lord and also to forget all other than Him.

On his journey, he had clothed himself in the garment of complete trust in Allah. He had abandoned all assistance from others, until he relied solely on Him. When the time for his fulfillment (Wissal) came, he visited his uncle the Knower by Allah Sheikh sidi al Hassan Al-Karkari, may Allah be pleased with him on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr. Sidi Mohamed Faouzi says “The talk that night was about Allah’s Attributes and His beautiful Names. I listened attentively to the discussion between Moulay al Hassan and some of the listeners. His words made a deep impression on me, and once the people had left, I asked him: “Uncle, I want to repent. Does Allah accept my repentance?” Sheikh al Hassan, may Allah sanctify his secret, was moved by my state of fear and despair, and by what he knew of the sincerity of my intention and the truth of my approach and quest. He asked me to return to the town of Al-Aroui and wait for him to come and give me the Wird”.

Sidi Mohamed Faouzi was already showing signs of his brilliance in the time of Moulay al Hassan. This latter was always talking about his excellence and holiness, he used to advise his disciples about him, saying “Be careful not to upset him, he’s a Qotb (pole)”. He used to say to him, may Allah be pleased with him, in assemblies, “Everything that is here (and he was referring to his heart) is here (referring to the heart of sidi Mohamed Faouzi, may Allah be pleased with him)”. On another occasion, he gave him full permission; this happened when our Sheikh’s father, sidi Tayeb, the brother of Moulay al Hassan said to him, “Why don’t you give Sidi Mohamed permission for people to benefit from him?” He replied, “he has already got permission, and he has had it for a long time now”. When his Sheikh sidi al Hassan passed away, our Sheikh inherited his rank as Sheikh of the tariqa, in the year 1428 (2007). After the Sheikh’s death, another like him appeared… This is Allah’s unchanging tradition. He renewed the foundations of the Tariqa and made them easier for people. He revived its teachings after the tariqa had become a school of Tabarouk…

He is the seal of the Walys, Sidi Mohamed Faouzi Al-Karkari took the Mashyakha from Sidi Moulay Al Hassan, who took it from Sidi Moulay Taher (May Allah be pleased with him) who took it from Sidi Ahmad Al-Alawi Al-Moustaghanimi (May Allah be pleased with him) who took it from Sidi Mohamed Ibn Al-Habib Al-Bouzidi (May Allah be pleased with him) who took it from Sidi Mohamed Ibn Qaddour Al- Wakili (May Allah be pleased with him) who took it from Sidi Mohamed Ibn Abdelkader Al-Bacha (May Allah be pleased with him) who took it from Le Cheikh Sidi Abou Yaaza Al-Mahaji (May Allah be pleased with him) who took it from Sidi Moulay Al-Arbi Addarqawi (May Allah be pleased with him) who took it from Sidi Ali Al- Jammal (May Allah be pleased with him) who took it from Sidi Mohamed Al-Arbi Al-Fassi (May Allah be pleased with him) who took it from Sidi Ahmed Ibn Abdellah (May Allah be pleased with him) who took it from Sidi Qassim Al- Khassassi (May Allah be pleased with him), who took it from Sidi Mohamed Ibn Abdellah (May Allah be pleased with him), who took it from Sidi Abderrahman Al-Fassi (May Allah be pleased with him), who took it from Sidi Abou Al-Mahassin Youssouf Al-Fassi (May Allah be pleased with him), who took it from Sidi Abderrahman Al-Majdoub (May Allah be pleased with him).